EHV AC & DC TRANSMISSION MCQ Unit - 2 - Math Traders




1. The topmost conductor in hv transmission line is


a)  B-phase conductor

b)  Y- phase conductor

c)  R- phase conductor

d)  Earth conductor


Ans: (d)


2.   Corona has the disadvantage(s) of


a)  Power loss

b)  Introduction with neighbouring communication circuits

c)  Introducing the harmonics, predominately third harmonics, into transmission lines

d)  All of these


Ans: (d)


3.   Insulators used on EHT transmission lines are


a)  PVC

b)  Glass

c)  Stealite

d)  Porcelain


Ans: (d)



4.   The dielectric strength of air under normal conditions is around


a)  30 kV/cm.

b)  150 kV/cm.

c)  100 kV /cm.

d)  200 kV/cm Ans: (a)



5.   The insulators used on 220 kV transmission lines are of


a)  Suspension type

b)  Pin type

c)  Shackle type

d)  None of these


Ans: (a)


6.   Power loss due to corona is directly proportional to


a)  Radius of conductor

b)  Supply frequency

c)  Spacing between conductors.

d)  None of these


Ans: (b)


7.   HV transmission line uses


a)  Pine type insulators

b)  Suspension insulators

c)  Both (a) and (b)

d)  None of these


Ans: (c)


8.   Corona occurs between two transmission conductors when they


a)  Have high potential difference

b)  Are closely spaced

c)  Carry dc power

d)  Both (a) and (b) Ans: (d)



9.   Critical voltage limit of a transmission line is increased by


a)  Reducing the radius of the conductors

b)  Reducing the spacing between conductors

c)  Increasing the spacing between conductors

d)  Increasing the radius of the conductors


Ans: (d)


10.   Which of the following affects the corona least?


a)  Size and charge per ion

b)  Number of ions

c)  Atmospheric temperature

d)  Mean free length


Ans: (c)


11.   Transmission line constants are


a)  Capacitance

b)  Inductance

c)  Resistance

d)  All of these


Ans: (d)


12.   The effect of corona is


a)  Increased inductance

b)  Increased reactance

c)  Increased power loss

d)  All of these Ans: (c)



13.   The inductance of line is minimum when


a)  G M D is high

b)  G M R is high

c)  Both G M D and G M R are high

d)  G M D is low but G M R is high


Ans: (d)


14.   Corona is affected by


a)  Size of conductor

b)  Shape and surface condition of the conductor

c)  Operating voltage

d)  All of these Ans: (d)

15.   The inductance of single phase two wire power transmission line per km gets doubled when the


a)  Radius of the wore is double

b)  Distance between the wires is increased as square of the original distance

c)  Distance between the wires is doubled

d)  Distance between the wires is doubled Ans: (b)

16.   Capacitance of a transmission line


a)  Increases

b)  Decreases

c)  Remains same with increase in its length

d)  None of these Ans: (a)



17.   The only advantage of corona is that is


a)  Ozone gas is produced

b)  works as a safety valve for surges

c)  makes line current sinusoidal

d)  produces a pleasing luminous glow


Ans: (b)


18.   Compared with solid conductor of the same radius, corona appears on a stranded conductor at a lower voltage, because stranding


a)  assists ionization

b)  makes the current flow spirally about the axis of the conductor

c)  produces oblique sections to a plane perpendicular to the axis of the conductor

d)  produces surfaces of smaller radius


Ans: (d)


19.   The skin effect of a conductor reduces with the increase in


a)  permeability of conductor material

b)  x-section of conductor

c)  Resistivity of the conductor material

d)  Supply frequency


Ans: (c)


20.   High voltage transmission lines are transposed because then


a)  Phase voltage imbalances can be minimized

b)  Voltage drop in the lines can be minimized

c)  Computations of inductance becomes easier

d)  Corona losses can be minimized Ans: (a)

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