HVDC And AC MCQ AKTU PDF | Multiple Choice Question 81-90 - Math Traders


HVDC And AC MCQ AKTU PDF | Multiple Choice Question 81-90

Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)- HVDC & AC

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1. Ferranti effect states that under certain conditions the sending end voltage is

a)    Less that receiving end voltage

b)    Greater than receiving end voltage

Previous Post - Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) of HVDC And AC (Q.71-80) (Click To Open 👈)

2. The surge impedance of a line having negligible resistance and no shunt leakage, is pure resistance, i.e., Zc = √(L/C).

a)    True

b)     false

3.The entire line performance can be determined by

a)    Sending end power circle diagram

b)     Universal power circle diagram

4. The use of the transformers does not affect the performance of the transmission line.

a)    True

b)    false

5.Transducer type regulators are electromechanical voltage regulators.

a)    True

b)   false

6. If the receiving end voltage is assumed same as the sending end voltage, and the impedance of the line is the resistance of the line. What will be the maximum steady state power transmitted over the line.


b) Zero

d) very high

7. The equal area criterion of stability is applicable to

a)    Two machine system and infinite bus-bars

b)     One machine system and infinite bus-bars

8. The size of the feeder is determined primarily by

a)The current it is required to carry

b) The percentage variation of voltage in the feeder

9. If the voltage is increased n times, the current in the feeder is reduced to (for a given power delivered )

a)1/n times of the original

b) 1/n2 times of the original

10. In the d.c. three wire transmission system the cross-section of the neutral is generally

a)1/4 of the outer conductors

b) 1/2 of the outer conductors

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