Optical Fibre Communication (OFC) MCQ Unit 5 - Math Traders


Optical Fibre Communication (OFC) MCQ Unit 5

                   Optical Fiber Communication

Note: Answer of questions are in bold options


1.   The                            is photosensitive to act as light gathering element.

   a)  Base-emitter junction

b)  Base-collector junction

c)  Collector-emitter junction

d)  Base-collector junction and Base-emitter junction


2.   Phototransistors based on hetero-junction using     material are known as waveguide phototransistors.

a)  InGaP

b)  InGaAs

    c)  InGaAsP/ InAlAs

d)  ErGaAs

Optical Fibre Communication (OFC) MCQ


3.     Which of the following is the difference between the n-p-n and conventional bipolar transistor?

a)  Electric property

b)  Magnetic property

   c)  Unconnected base

d)  Emitter base efficiency


4.                              refers to any spurious or undesired disturbances that mask the received signal in a communication system.

a)   Attenuation

b)  Noise

c)   Dispersion

d)   Bandwidth


5.                                is caused due to thermal interaction between the free electrons and the vibrating ions in the conduction medium.

   a)  Thermal noise

b)  Dark noise

c)  Quantum noise

d)  Gaussian noise


6.   Which are the two main sources of noise in photodiodes without internal gain?

a)   Gaussian noise and dark current noise

b)   Internal noise and external noise

   c)   Dark current noise & Quantum noise

d)   Gaussian noise and Quantum noise


7.                                  is used in the specification of optical detectors

   a)  Noise equivalent power

b)  Polarization

c)  Sensitivity

d)  Electron movement


8.                                      APDs are recognized for their high gain-bandwidth products.

a)   GaAs

b)   Alloy-made

c)   Germanium

d)  Silicon


9.                          compensates for distortion of the signal due to the combined transmitter, medium and receiver characteristics.

a)   Amplification

b)   Distortion

   c)   Equalization

d)   Dispersion

10.   The major advantage of the trans-impedance configuration over the high-impedance front end is       

a)   Greater bandwidth

b)   Less bandwidth

    c)   Greater dynamic range

d)   Less dynamic range


11.   The trans-impedance front end configuration operates as a       with negative feedback.

   a)  Current mode amplifier

b)  Voltage amplifier

c)  Attenuator

d)  Resonator

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