Entrepreneurship Development MCQ AKTU PFD 120 - 130 Important Questions - Math Traders


Entrepreneurship Development MCQ AKTU PFD 120 - 130 Important Questions

 Multiple Choice Questions Entrepreneurship Development

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MCQ Entrepreneurship Development
MCQ Entrepreneurship Development  


1. Who has defined “Entrepreneur as an Innovator?”

Ans- Joseph A. Schumpeter, for the first time in 1934

2. the process to create value through recognition of business opportunities is called.

Ans - entrepreneurship is the attempt to create value through recognition of business opportunity

3. who has recognized entrepreneurship as a process of creative destruction

Ans -term creative destruction, coined by Joseph Schumpeter in 1942

4. An Individual who is employee of a company and is in charge of an identifiable activity is called

Ans - Human Resource

5. Nirma detergent was introduced to meet the demand of lower income group. it comes under ______ function of Entrepreneur?

Ans - Recognizing Opportunity 

6. Which one of the following is not correct regarding emergence of women entrepreneurship in India?

Ans -
Correct - Industrial Support to women, Social Awareness.
Incorrect - Gender Inequality.

7. Which risk is not assumed by an Entrepreneur?

Ans -
Not assumed - Production Risk
Risk Assumed – Financial Risk, Social Risk, Emotional Risk etc….

8. ………. are characterized by adopting the successful innovations of others

Ans - Imitative Entrepreneur

9. these entrepreneurs are lazy and shy and lack the will to adopt new methods

Ans - Fabian Entrepreneur. 

10. entrepreneurship based on the inheritance is called?

Ans -  Family Entrepreneurship 

               Please watch this awesome video to understand the concept better👇


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