EHVDC AND AC MCQ AKTU PDF (90-100 Important Questions) - Math Traders


EHVDC AND AC MCQ AKTU PDF (90-100 Important Questions)


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Bold Letters Are Your Answers - 

1. In D.C transmission, voltage between feeder and distribution is changed by using which of the following………..

a) Rotating machines
c) Transformers
d) Generator


2. System which suffers from maximum voltage fluctuations is

a) Mesh type

b) Radial type



3. Low voltage A.C distribution takes place……..


a) 400 V between phases

b) 220 V between phases


4. Systems getting supply from one end only are…………….

a) Ring type

b) Radial type


5. By increasing potential of a conductor which of the following will occur…

a) Its potential gradient increases

b) Insulation required is less


6. Rectification at the ends of E.H.V. D.C transmission is done by using which of the following

a) Shunt generations

b) Power capacitances

c) SCR


7. On a lightly loaded transmission line the…….

a) Receiving end voltage can exceed sending end voltage

b) Receiving end voltage can exceed sending end voltage


8. For E.H.V. transmission bundled conductors are preferred because of………

a) less cost, line inductance & corona loss

b) They are easy to fabricate


9. Series reactors have…………

a) Low impedance

b) Low resistance


10. EHV system is beyond which of the voltage level……..

a) 132 kV

b) 200 kV 

                             for previous post - ehvac and dc mcq (Q 71-80) Click Here 👈


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